more than shocking, they comes as thunder to your life!!!

Content theft by Yahoo

യാഹൂവിനു മോഷണം ഒരു കല

മോഷണം ഒരു കലയാക്കി മാറ്റുന്നതില്‍ യാഹൂ ഒരിക്കലും പിന്നിലാവില്ലെന്നു്, ഇതാ വീണ്ടും തെളിയിക്കുകയാണു് യാഹൂകുഴലിലൂടെ. Yahoo again proving to be the best in content theft, helping others to do the same.

from here u can find the details of some of the content theft done by Yahoo India.

read this article to know more about content theft promoted by yahoo.

Spam sites are becoming an increasing problem, with unethical webmasters taking advantage of third-party RSS feeds to fully fuel their own sites, in the hopes of targeted content increasing their search engine rankings and serving as a vehicle to drive Google AdSense clicks and revenues.Yahoo! Pipes now makes this even simpler, actually enabling these webmasters to build full websites of highly relevant and smartly remixed content that will actually provide their visitors with some value and thus even further increase their AdSense revenue potential.

Will Yahoo! Pipes Increase Content Theft?

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