more than shocking, they comes as thunder to your life!!!

Voltage Self-Illuminating Hair Gel

നിങ്ങളുടെ മുടി രാത്രിയില്‍ വെട്ടിത്തിളങ്ങുന്നതൊരു രസമല്ലേ!

"How did they do that?!" This has to be one of the most exciting new developments in fun hair color products in years. A patented process takes ordinary hair color and makes it extraordinary, by adding self-illuminating glow! Voltage does not rely on UV, neon or black lights to create glow. Instead, it produces its own light! Tiny, microscopic particles in the gel come together in the mixing process to produce a bright colorful glow that can be seen in partial light and in the dark for at least 6-8 hours (technically, this incredible effect lasts more than 24 hours at a diminishing glow).

Voltage Self-Illuminating Hair Gel

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